Holistic Care
Intentionality Creativity
A treatment tailored to you
Our treatments are grounded in ancient Chinese medicine theory and modalities that dates back over 3,000 years. We work with you to assess the best therapies to support your overall health and goals.
The cornerstones of our practice
Holistic Care
Health doesn’t exist in a vacuum. Our treatment plans are personalized to you, your body and your lifestyle.
Life can move at 100 mph, but at Pine Acupuncture we take pride in thinking through the little things, so you can focus on you.
From our music to clinic decor, Pine Acupuncture is committed to supporting the local artists in our community.
Pine Acupuncture
Pine Acupuncture
Vincent Lu, M.Ac Dipl.Ac L.Ac., Pine Acupuncture owner
Specialties: mental health, trauma, sleep disorders, chronic & acute pain
Keeping your body healthy is an expression of gratitude to the whole cosmos ~ the trees, the clouds, everything
- Thich Nhat Hanh
Touching Peace: Practicing the Art of Mindful Living.